Entrepreneur's Solution is a tool for todays and tomorrows Entrepreneur. It is a tool for driving financial growth and success. learn:
1: The mind-set of the super rich
2: The habits of the wealthy
3: Fundamental principles of creating wealth
4: The creative process
5: How to apply the right leverage
6: Skills set.
Excellence is a reflection of our status as creatures made in the image of God; it is an expression of our divine calling. God's call upon us is a calling to high standards. The pursuit of excellence therefore must be a priority for every child of God.
Your life circumstances are influenced on a daily basis by the words you speak. The success or failure of the Christian is based on the positive or negative confessions they make daily. Do you know that faith will never rise above the level of your confession? This book outlines principles through which you can use God-ordained words to change the circumstances of your life.
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Entrepreneur's Solution is a tool for todays and tomorrows Entrepreneur. It is a tool for driving financial growth and success. learn:
1: The mind-set of the super rich
2: The habits of the wealthy
3: Fundamental principles of creating wealth
4: The creative process
5: How to apply the right leverage
6: Skills set.
Excellence is a reflection of our status as creatures made in the image of God; it is an expression of our divine calling. God's call upon us is a calling to high standards. The pursuit of excellence therefore must be a priority for every child of God.
Your life circumstances are influenced on a daily basis by the words you speak. The success or failure of the Christian is based on the positive or negative confessions they make daily. Do you know that faith will never rise above the level of your confession? This book outlines principles through which you can use God-ordained words to change the circumstances of your life.
Many of us live with the memory of failure embedded in our psyche. Perhaps a business you started went broke, or a relationship ended badly. Disappointment is often the gap that exists between expectation and reality. Learn how you can succeed by moving beyond the limitations of the past, and set yourself free to pursue your dreams.
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